Always tired? Fatigued? You or your Partner Snore?

OSA ( Obstructive Sleep Apnoea) is a very common and potentially serious Sleep-related respiratory condition caused when the upper airway is partially or completely blocked during sleep.

Patients may repeatedly stop and start breathing while they sleep and snoring can be a sign of OSA.

Patients with OSA can feel unrefreshed even after what they perceive is a good nights sleep. This can lead to excessive daytime fatigue/Sleepiness

Left untreated OSA can put you at higher risk or Heart attack, stroke and even Road traffic accidents

Here at loughview Health we work with our partners Sleep Medical to provide you or your partner with a comprehensive Sleep package to explore any tiredness/fatigue/snoring you maybe worried about

Our Package includes

-30 minute GP consultation

-Full examination

-Blood pressure, ECG , Weight, Body fat %

-Bloods ( Full blood count, Kidney profile, Cholesterol , Hba1c (diabetic blood)

-Multi-channel Sleep Study through Sleep Medical

-Detailed Sleep report

If further follow up is needed if a diagnosis of OSA is made this can be arranged through our partners at Sleep Medical ( may incur extra cost).

The Multi-channel Sleep study is sent directly to your home, with minimal fuss!

Please feel free to contact if any further queries

Booking can be easily done by clicking below ( brings you to diary to book initial 30 min consultation )

Cost £600