Same Day Appointments
No pre-booked appointment? No Problem!
We understand the desire for quick appointments when the need arises
At loughview health we accept Walk-ins* , based on availability. Just fill a few details with our receptionist and you will be seen at the next available time ( HGV/Taxi/Sports medicals also accepted as walk in)
Walk in appointments available between 0900 -1130 & 1330- 1800 Monday to Friday and on Saturdays 0900-1300
( pre-bookable appointments available outside of these hours on Mondays and Wednesdays )
*based on availability of the GP that day, at times we may not have amiability, If we cannot offer same day appointment we will try our best to accommodate you as quickly as possible
Commuting to work?
Here at loughview health we know the importance of convenience and pressure on time for those with busy schedules
We offer early morning and evening appointments for those wishing to see a GP on their way to or from work
No phone calls, No call backs, simply book online through our website and make the appointment that suits you!
Click book appointment to bring you directly to the booking application*
What we offer
We offer a range of appointments from 15 minutes up to 45 minutes to suit your needs
We work with TDL London to provide our patients with access to a wide variety of blood tests
Here at loughview health we offer a range of private medicals suited to what you need. See our page on medicals for further detail
We offer a range of Health MOTs- our version of an all round health check. See our page for details
We offer a range of speciality clinics including CBT, Sports medicine, Testosterone replacement clinic.